
In an effort to fulfill our mission of educating all on the benefits of a healthy financial lifestyle, we offer our insights and resources. Our ‘Vestbridge Weekly Update’ is published weekly and provides critical insight into current events.

As a trusted voice in the industry, we also offer some of our published Guides free to the public, and we offer other materials also listed below.

  1. Mid-Year Tax Planning Checklist Notes

    1099-DIV – Reports ordinary and qualified dividends and short- and long-term capital gains distributions for taxable and tax-exempt accounts. 1099-B – Reports exchange and redemption activity in non-IRA accounts.

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  2. US Sovereign Credit Rating Outlook Downgrade by Moody’s Ratings

    “The rating downgrade of the United States reflects the expected fiscal deterioration over the next three years, a high and growing general government debt burden, and the erosion of governance relative to ‘AA’ and ‘AAA’ rated peers over the last two decades that has manifested in repeated debt limit standoffs and last-minute resolutions.”

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  3. Does Raising The Fed Funds Rate ‘Tame’ Inflation? Is There Collateral Damage?

    By Dr. George Calhoun – Hanlon Investment Management Advisory Board Member Executive Director of the Hanlon Financial Systems Center

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  4. Time for the Little Guys

    In May, stock indices were being pushed higher despite most of the component stocks trending downwards, because the overwhelmingly dominant size of the mega-caps allowed them to control the overall market direction.

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  5. 2023 Mid-Year Update Video

    Sean Hanlon, CEO and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Vestbridge Advisors, Inc. talks about and explains the financial environment from the 2023 Mid Year Update.

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  6. The “Long And Variable Lag” – A Dangerous Monetary Policy Myth

    By Dr. George Calhoun – Hanlon Investment Management Advisory Board Member Executive Director of the Hanlon Financial Systems Center

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  7. 2023 Mid-Year Update

    The first half of 2023 has been marked by lopsided gains, with a handful of mega-cap tech companies accounting for nearly all of the S&P 500’s 16.9% year-to-date returns, through June 30th. In our 2023 beginning of the year Annual Outlook, we cautioned that despite near-unanimous calls for a first-half recession from major financial institutions, we saw potential for a scenario in which US GDP was able to maintain a slightly positive rate of growth thanks to record low unemployment.

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  8. Housing Inflation – Ignore home prices, look at Rents

    The Fed paused on interest rate hikes last week.  At the post meeting press conference Chairman Powell mentioned housing services as a crucial aspect of the economy where the Fed needs to see progress on inflation.

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  9. The Fed’s Real Problem May Be The Government – Inflation versus Deflation

    If you are tired of reading about inflation, I don’t blame you. Since the Fed began hiking rates a little over a year ago, economists and investors have been intensely focused on each monthly data release, desperately looking for signs that the inflationary trends are reversing.

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  10. Remember & Honor D-Day!

    “Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well-trained,
    well equipped and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely… I have full
    confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle.
    We will accept nothing less than full Victory!”

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